Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece has been called the "birthplace of Western Civilization". European culture was greatly influenced by the Greeks. The areas of art, literature, history, philosophy, politics, and science all had their roots in ancient Greece. This was an interdisciplinary unit that afforded our students the opportunity to examine a civilization upon which much of our western civilization is built. How has ancient Greece influenced our western culture? What aspects of Greek culture continue to influence our lives today?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Data Analysis

Our Javelin Throw Process

We used data to analyze our javelin throws in many different ways. While we were throwing the javelins we compared estimated measures with the actual measure. During that process we completed a table with our estimated measures and the actual distance.

We also created bar graphs. The bar graphs we made were about the distance that each student threw their javelins. We had made bar graphs for each group in the class. We also analyzed the mean, median, mode, and range for each group in the class. After that we compared our means, medians, modes, and ranges with all the other classes. This is how we analyzed our javelin throws.

Focus Question:
How do we use data analysis to compare and contrast the class Olympic results?

Data Is Powerful


  1. We used our tables to find out what amount of people went to the semi-finals. Then we used mean, median, mode and range to find the averages of the city-state in my class province. Then in the semi- finals we used our data to identify the winner. I won for my province.

  2. We analyzed the javelin throw by comparing the estimated distances and the actual distance. Then we completed a chart. With the numbers, we created a bar graph that shows all the scores. Lastly, we analyzed the mean, median, mode and range. It was a lot of fun and the winner was Jacqueline.

  3. We had used data to analyze our javelin throw by comparing and estimating the actual distance. We completed a table for estimated distances and actual distances for our javelin throwers. We created a bar graph for each 5 city states. Pagase, Opus, Delphi, Larissa and Dodona. Lastly we analyzed all the distance is mean, median, mode and then range. We had done so much work with so much effort.

  4. How we used data to analyze javelin throws was by completing a table by estimating and then analyzing the real distance. We also made bar graphs to analyze the distance thrown of each player. Then we did mean, median, mode, and range to find out which was the least and greatest score.

  5. We analyzed our javelin throws by determining the mean, median, mode, and range. We created a bar graph. The, we completed a table comparing estimated an actual distances.

  6. How we used data to analyze our javelin throw is we first thought of an estimate for each of our throws. Then, we got our exact distance of our throw. Next, we made a graph were we put in all of our data. Also we made a bar graph of the distance which we throw the javelin. After that, we made our mode, mean, median, and range. At the end, we compared our results with the other classes.

  7. We analyzed our javelin throw by filling a table out. We first estimated how far the javelin will go. We compared our estimate with the actual measurement. Then with the actual measurement we made a bar graph. Afterwards we did the mean, median, mode, range. We put all our information in a folder.

    We analyzed our javelin throws since I witnessed the kids throw it. However everything their body does to learn how to throw it. When I threw the javelin I felt like a winner. My friend Jackie won the whole class. She represented the whole class she represented our class. We created bar graphs. We analyzed the distanced and measure of where the javelin flew.

  8. We used data to analyze or javelin throws by comparing estimated and actual distances and also we made a table with all the distances of each person. Then from that we made a bar graph for each group. After we found out the mean, median, mode, range. Jacqueline won for our class, we were happy and we all did a great job on the game.

  9. We analyzed it by throwing it as far as we can. What we did was to see who threw the farthest it was Sarina Jose, and I. Sarina and I passed to compete with the other classes. We also made a bar graph so we can see the data that the class made. We completed the median, mode, mean, and range.

  10. We used the data to analyze the javelin throw by doing many things such as we left the rulers so we can measure, we also did bar graphs ,and mean , median, mode , to figure who were the javelin winners.

  11. All of us got to throw our javelins. Every group had a name from Greece, then when we finished, we made a table. Then we found the median, mean, mode, and range for every distance of a javelin. Finally, we turned all of it into a bar graph.

  12. Some people did better than others on our math project. We analyzed the javelin throw by comparing the estimated distance and the actual distance. What we did with our javelin was that we threw them as hard as we can and we counted how long we threw them. We also did tables for our javelin throw. Another thing we also did was we did a bar graph and we compared them until we had a winner. I think it was pretty fun.

  13. We found out in every city that threw the highest and found out the farthest in each class. We used bar graphs. Then, we used the bar graph to find the winner.

  14. We measured in yards and the maximum was 7 yards. We also used it to see how fast it will go. We did Bar graphs to show who won and how good the other did. We did a bar graph for each group’s city state.

  15. We use data to analyze our javelin throws by comparing our estimates with the equal throw in yards. We also figured out who won by seeing who won in each city state and the winner will face each other. We also figured out the mean median, range, and mode. Then we made bar graphs for each city state.

  16. We use data to analyze our javelin throws and scores. We knew who won because we estimated our throws and also we were looking at the scores to see who the winner was and by the winner I mean the one who threw it farthest.

  17. We used the data to analyze our javelin throws; we used the estimation to see the actual distances. We also looked at bar graphs that kept track while the homeroom was playing. We also saw the 3 winners that had won the competition. After that we went to see the 3 winners from the other classes that competed in this experience.

  18. We used data to analyze our javelin throws by estimating the closest guess and finding the real distances. We also used bar graphs, tables, mean, median, mode, range and middle. We also used yard sticks to get a closer estimate.

  19. We used the data to analyze our javelin throws to determine how much distance, and analyze who won. We knew who won by analyzing the mode, mean, median,, and range.

  20. We used data to analyze our javelin throw by doing bar graphs and finding the mode, median, mean, and range. We measured the distance of how for our javelin game goes. We took pictures of how the javelin has been thrown.

  21. In the javelin throw we used the data to know how far we threw it so we knew who had the least throw. For the javelin, we used rulers and bar graphs. Also we used mean, median, mode, and range. We estimated and then our teacher Mrs. Silva told us the real distances. So the data was very important to know.

  22. We used data to analyze our javelin throws by writing down each students estimate of throwing their javelin. After, we estimate Miss. Silva, our math teacher, told us the real answer. We completed this on a table with every ones data. After that, we created bar graphs by using mean, median, mode, and range.
    Crystal Soraluz

  23. The kind of data we used to analyze our javelin throws is by estimating and figuring out the distance in yards. We wrote them down on a table with our names on it. Next we did mean, median, mode, and range. Finally, we made bar graphs for each city state and we labeled it.

  24. We used data to analyze our javelin throws by using yards as the measurements. We also estimated the measurements then figured out the true distance. To know where the yards were we laid yard sticks across the room.

  25. We used data to analyze our javelin throws by estimating everyone’s throws and then finding the actual distance. After we did that we got the distances that were the largest measurements and we had the finals. Wesley was the winner of our class. After we got all this information we made bar graphs for the data of each group. We also figured out the mean, median, mode, and range.

  26. We use data to analyze our javelin throws by designing a bar graph.
    We also made a chart that looked similar to the one below.
    Name Greek Name Estimated Measure Actual measure
    Kayla Melissa 3 yards 3 yards 2 min.

    After that, we figured out the mean, median, mode, and range.

  27. We used bar graphs data to analyze our javelin throws. We also used line graphs to list how long we threw the javelins in yards. We also ordered them from least to greatest.

  28. We measured the distance that we throw the javelin by using meter sticks. We filled in a chart with the measurements and narrowed it down to the winners of each group. Once we had that they completed and got a class winner then, a winner of 6grader classes.

  29. We compared and estimate in yards. We used the bar graphs to show the lengths. We saw each person in a group and chose which one threw the javelin the shortest distance. Out of the five groups kymberlyn has the least length in measurement.

  30. We used data in math in many ways. One way is we made a chart of all the city states and every one chose a Greek name. With that chart we put down the estimate of the javelin. Then we put down the actual measurement. We also analyzed mean, medium, mode, range. We created line graphs and bar graphs.

  31. We analyzed by first estimating what the measurement was going to be. After all that was done we used bar graphs to represent the mean, median, mode and range, that each contestant and team would have.

  32. We measured the throws by using yards. Then we made bar graphs. We also used mean, median, mode and range to see how the city-states did. We also did the class mean.

  33. We used the data to analyze our javelin throw is by comparing how much we estimated and then we through it and then did mean, mode, medium and range from each 5 groups. We made graphs, circle graph, bar graph ,and line graph also. The champion from each class complete against each other. I had too much fun.

  34. Wow, I'm really impressed by this blog! It is so informative and interesting! Keep up the good work guys!


Ancient Greek Javelin

2008 Olympics