Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece has been called the "birthplace of Western Civilization". European culture was greatly influenced by the Greeks. The areas of art, literature, history, philosophy, politics, and science all had their roots in ancient Greece. This was an interdisciplinary unit that afforded our students the opportunity to examine a civilization upon which much of our western civilization is built. How has ancient Greece influenced our western culture? What aspects of Greek culture continue to influence our lives today?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Nature of Heroism

Tales from the past generally equate heroism with physical strength and raw courage in the face of danger. Recently, however, new definitions of heroism and new kinds of heroes have emerged. To many, research scientists Jonas Salk, astronaut John Glenn and civil rights leader Martin Luther King are contempoary heroic types on the American scene. They do not slay monsters or engage in bloody battles, but they have captured the imagination of many Americans. What qualities of heroism, redefined, do they possess? Is it possible that some day find their place in the myths our generation leaves as a legacy to future ages?

In another sense, sports figures, actors and actresses and some holders of high office are looked as heroes. Who is your hero....and why? What are some of the character traits that make this person a hero to you? Compare and contrast your hero to Ancient Greek heroes.


  1. Johnny Barbosa: A Stupendous Hero

    There are many qualities that a modern hero shares with an ancient Greek hero. My modern day hero is my brother, Johnny. Many of the qualities he has are strength, compassion, determination, bravery, courage, perseverance, and kindness. Hercules, an ancient Greek hero, some of his qualities are definitely strength, determination, courage, bravery, perseverance, kindness, compassion, and he is a risk-taker. They are alike and yet extremely different.
    My brother , Johnny is courageous because if someone he loves and cares about is in any kind of trouble he will fight through anything to save them and that is exactly what Hercules would do, as well. Also, he has a lot of determination because he will do anything he can to reach his goals and dreams. Hercules would do anything to save someone who is in trouble.
    Hercules was a risk-taker because he always takes dangerous risks to help people who are in trouble and my brother also take risks to help people that he knows! He also has a massive amount of kindness as well for the people he cares about. These are the similarities and differences of Hercules and Johnny!!

  2. DAD

    The charcteristics that describe my favorite hero are brave, adventurous, and wise. My dad is brave because he is not scared of anything and can take a risk. Furthermore, my dad is adventurous because he always goes on an adventure every summer. Last summer we went to Punta Cana and my dad went canoeing in the hard killing white water waves and he flipped with his canoe. Also, my dad is wise because he is always two steps ahead of everyone.

    My dad and Hercules are similar because, both are men, both are brave, adventurous, and wise, both have a mom and dad, both had many responsiblities.

    My dad is diferent from Hercules because my dad does not have super strength and his mom and dad are humans. My dad lived on farmland in Spain, and my dad speaks English and Spanish.

    Hercles is diferent from my dad because Hercules had super strength, his mom and dad are ancient Greek gods. Hercules lived in a magical world and only spoke Greek.

  3. Bill Gates: A True Hero

    Bill Gates is my hero, and has influenced many people in life. The characteristics that considers him to be a hero is that he is very generous. He has donated and still is donating billions and billions of dollars. Bill Gates is also very confident in himself because without his courage and confidence, his software program (Microsoft) wouldn't have been existing. He had great vision in creating and investing in Microsoft. In life, Bill Gates was always a philanthropist. This means that he contributes money for decent or severe causes like for AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis. Furthermore, I believe that Bill Gates is influential to all human kind. He will always be an example towards others for being liberal. Therefore, I believe that Bill Gates is a true hero for all of his favorable characteristics.

    Bill Gates, a modern hero, can be traced back all the way to an Ancient Greek hero. I believe that there are many similarities and differences between a modern hero like Bill Gates and an Ancient Greek Hero. First of all, Ancient Greek heroes were less fortunate than Bill Gates. At the same time, they both benefited people in need. Also, Bill Gates makes a living with high technology. On the other hand, ancient Greek heroes made a living selling cattle and crops in an agora. Furthermore, an ancient Greek hero was known a hero for rescuing those in trouble with their physical "power". Bill Gates is known a hero for donating money in decent causes. Moreover, Bill Gates helped institutions while ancient Greek heroes helped individuals. Another thing is that Ancient Greek heroes were independent heroes and Bill Gates has a foundation with people working for him. Overall, even if a modern day hero has many differences with an ancient Greek hero, they have two things in common: one, they are recognized for what they do and two they were always an influence towards other people.


    There are many ways to explain how my mother is a hero. I can begin with the characteristics that make her a hero. To begin, my mother is very selfless. She always put me before herself. She always shares. Whenever she is eating a snack that I like, she offers me a bite. Holding my hand in a busy store or crossing a busy street being a must is a sign that she is protective. Can't you see that she is loving by her giving me a kiss whenever I am hurt? I believe she is even better than a hero.

    There are several ways to explain how my hero (my mother) and an ancient Greek hero are alike and different. My mother differs from an ancient Greek hero because she does not have super powers and does not save hundreds of lives, although it seems that she is super powerful and did touch the lives of all her students, including me. An ancient Greek hero differs from my mother because they did have super human abilities and did save hundreds of lives. Being protective and helpful are two examples of how they are alike. What do you say? Don't you think that my mother should be considered a hero?

  5. Stone Cold Steve Austin

    The characteristics that describe my favorite hero are fearless, energetic, fair, and giving. Stone Cold Steve Austin is fearless because he takes on any match. He is also energetic because everyone can see he fights with energy. He is fair because Austin never cheats. Finally, he makes his fans happy because if they want a fight, he gives them a fight! He is well known for his move called the Stone Cold Stunner.

    My hero is different from an ancient Greek hero because he is not a god. Greek’s say their gods are heroes to them. Some Greek heroes have some flaws. Austin is somehow like that because sometimes he just fights for fun and sometimes other wrestlers get hurt because they want to damage Stone Cold Steve Austin. Austin has some similarities and differences to Greek heroes. A Greek hero might be Hercules, who never harms people. On the other hand, Austin might harm wrestlers who try to get in his way. One reason he might be like Hercules is that they both want justice and the way Austin wants it is by being a champion. Finally, they are both loved by many.

  6. Martin Luther King Jr.

    The caracteristics that describe my hero Martin Luther King are his bavery and intelligence. He is brave becuase he never gave up, even though many whites disliked him he stood infront of a lot of people and told them that we all are the same no matter what skin color we have. Lots of people were against him but he never gave up. Martin Luther King Jr. was intelligent for his work. He wanted to change the world and make it a better place.

    There are several characteristics Martin Luther King Jr. and Zeus share. Both are brave becuase they were not afraid of what could of happen. Also, they were both perserverant; they never gave up. Zeus is also diffrent from Martin Luther King Jr. becuase Zeus had physical strength and power. Now people do not believe in Zeus, but he was a hero a long time ago. Martin Luther King Jr. is also diffrent from Zeus becuase he was smarter, mortal and we still concider him as a hero today becuase he fought against segregation.

  7. Rob Dydrek, My Hero

    The characteristices that describe Rob Dydrek, my favorite hero are brave and courage because he puts his life on the line for his career.He skates, ramps, and jumps off ledges.Another character trait that describes him is strong. When he falls, he gets right up as if nothing happened.I also think he is a giving person because he had a skate off aganist skaters and the winner will receive a GMS truck. He also donated brand new clothes that he had never used before to the Salvation Army because the clothes were just there in his closet. Rob Dydrek is also an adventurous person because he had traveled to Mexico. Not only Mexico, he also went to Canada so he can be a part of a video game. Rob Dydrek is also wealthy because he lives in a large luxurious house and has a securty guard that follows him wherever he goes. He also has a dog and owns a mini horse in his backyard. Rob Dydrek you are truely my hero.

    Rob Dydrek is a giving person because of the things he has donated such as his car and clothes that he had never worn before.He is a risk taker who puts his life on the line for his career. He has broken eight world records and he is looking for more to add to his career. In comparison, Hercules is a strong hero in Ancient Greece.He is a mythological character, who was well known and everyone considered him to be a hero. Hercules and Rob Dydrek are similar because they are both brave and both have great courage.They also made movies and where both idols that people may look up to.

  8. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Was A Noble Man

    The characteristics that describe Martin Luther king Jr. are loyal, brave, and noble. Dr. Martin Lurther King, Jr. was a very proud African-Amercian who fought for civil rights for mostly the black people. He is responsible for saving many people, and giving them freedom. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave peace to the entire world!

    I consider Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. a hero because of what he did for the nation. He fought against segregation, so whites and blacks can be united. For this reason, white people disliked him. Now everyone has an equal right to live without wworrying if someone will judge them for the skin color. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has made a huge difference in the world!

  9. Our Hero Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    We all know Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a big help and made a huge change in the world. Many people consider him as a hero. I consider him as a hero because of the changes he made. For example, now all people could go to the same school, everyone could sit together, and all people could be served no matter what they look like or where they come from. Also, the edges at the ends of the sidewalks are curved and lowered so handicapped people could get around.

    Some traits that describe Dr. King is helpful, courageous, honest, proud, and reliable. What I learned from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is that you can't judge anyone or anything from the outside but from the inside because the inside is what counts the most. Dr. King taught us to believe in yourself because you can make a change just like he did!

  10. Dr. Martin Luther King, A Brave Hero

    Some characteristics that define Martin Luther King Jr. are brave, courageous, risk-taking, caring, helpful, loyal, and proud. When he fought for equal rights for every one, Dr. King helped people from different races and handicapped get along.

    I learned that Dr. King was a great man who fought for what he believed in. He wasn’t interested or cared about the consequences. Dr. King won his battle without violence. This way different races of people get along and have equal rights.

    I believe Dr. King is a hero because he made the world and our country a better place. He changed people’s ways of thinking. A hero to me is a person who is brave, loyal, noble and proud for what they believe in. All these traits describe Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

  11. A Hero That Never Gave Up

    One character trait that describes Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is how noble he was. He saved over a hundred African- Americans from segregation, racism, and neglect. Dr. King was also powerful. He risked his life to help a million African Americans. Only one rose to help and that was Dr. King.

    Many African- Americans and whites believe Dr. King was a hero. He didn't just save African- Americans,he also united them together with whites. We have all come together as one, as Dr. King dreamed. All around the world, he is know as a hero.

  12. Cesar Chavez, my Hero.

    My hero is Cesar Chavez. He is brave, perseverant because he never gave up, and is a hard worker. He is brave because he stood up to everyone to get what he wanted. He never gave up when it came to helping others. Chavez was a hardworker because he started as a grape picker, then got in the U.S. Navy, and then he was interested in helping others.

    Cesar Chavez and Hercules are similar because they both are brave and hardworkers. Neither of them gave up on people. People needed their help and never let them down. They didn’t stop trying when challenges came to their lives. Both of them have family members that were farmers.

    Cesar Chavez was a grapepicker. His grandfather held 112 acres of land. He had nothing to do with Greek gods. He didn’t have to do with monsters and he was born on earth. He married Helen Fabela of Delano, California.

    Hercules was a ancient Greek God. He is the son of Zeus and Hera. He fought many monsters that came at him. He wasn’t really born on Earth. He had a lot of strength from being a God. He wasn’t married either. As you can see there are many similarities and differences between an ancient Greek hero and a modern day hero, such as Cesar Chavez.

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  14. My Hero

    To begin with, Mr. Luther King Jr. was a risk taker. On April 4, 1968, he gave his last speech. He didn’t know what was going to happen. He did know there was a great deal of racism in the world and he still took the risk. He continued to fight for his own and the rights of all blacks.

    Martin Luther King, Jr. is a wonderful hero to me. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s character traits include, bravery, determination, risk taker. All of these make him a hero. This compares to Ancient Greek heroes because he fought monsters such as racism, segregation of his many goals. He was determined to make his goals a reality. Don’t you agree that Martin Luther King, Jr. should always be considered a hero?

  15. My Hero

    My favorite hero is my mom. Some of the characteristics that describe my mom are understanding, caring, helpful, and kind. She is understanding because if I have a problem I can talk to her and she will understand me. She is caring because even though she comes home late at night from work she always cares for me. She is helpful because she helps a lot of people and she makes a lot of donations. My mom is kind because when I do something wrong she does not scream at me.

    In ancient Greece I am sure that there were mothers like mine. If I could compare my mom to the gods of ancient Greece she would be like Aphrodite and Apollo. She would be like Aphrodite because she loves her whole family and because she is very pretty. She would be like Apollo because my mom loves being out in the sun. To her the sun is like her emotion. When the sun is out she is always happy and ready to leave the house. When it is raining she is not that happy and doesn’t want to get out of bed. In ancient Greece my mom would probably be treated very well because of her kindness. Now you know why my mom is my hero.

  16. My Hero

    My brilliant hero is my loving mom. She's very spectacular to me. The qualities that my mom has are hardworking and very responsible. She’s hardworking because at work she was working on an 8 page essay for her boss. Suddenly the electricity had gone out. She became sad and then decided to start all over again. I felt very proud of her because she had gained some practice! She’s very responsible because every day she cooks aromatic food and she cleans the dazzling house. I wish I can have the same qualities as my mom when I grow up to be a young woman!

    If I compared her to the Greek gods, my mom is like Aphrodite and Artemis. She is like Aphrodite because my mom loves her whole family no matter what happens. She’s like Artemis because she loves the moon like it’s her companion when the moon is thin she becomes very sad and she prays to god that everything will be all right, when it’s a full moon she is very energetic and active. Now you know why she is so special to me and my family!

  17. Pele, an Athletic Hero

    Pele is my favorite hero and he is well respected in the soccer community. He is a hard worker and is a talented athlete. Pele has shown his kindness by creating soccer schools for children. He felt that they would have fun and eventually become professional soccer players. As a dedicated athlete and a hard worker Pele trained everyday to prepare for his soccer games. He shows his talents, through the strategies he uses to score goals and doesn’t cheat in any games. That’s why I consider Pele to be my hero.

    Of course there have been ancient heroes in the past but modern and ancient heroes are different from each other. Many ancient heroes were based on myths. Now heroes are based on reality and Pele is one of them. A true soccer player and an athlete that helps people make soccer schools for children a reality. Ancient heroes do not compare with modern heroes like Pele, a real hero.

  18. Elizabeth Taylor, a Fearless Hero
    Elizabeth Taylor is brave, fearless, wise, and caring. She is brave because two of her friends passed away. She did not give up on people who are suffering from AIDS. Elizabeth Taylor was honored with a Humanitarian Award by Macy’s for her courageous AIDS activism. "The legendary star was presented the award for her tireless devotion to the A.I.D.S. cause which has raised millions for research and delivered up much-needed aid for those suffering from the disease." To continue, she is fearless because she did every thing she could to help even though she did not have this disease. She is caring because she is helpful to people. Elizabeth Taylor’s traits are similar to ancient Greece heroes. For example, Greek heroes were known for their inventions. Greek heroes and Elizabeth Taylor are both fearless because they are not afraid of doing anything. Ancient Greek gods and goddesses are known for the powers. Elizabeth Taylor doesn’t have any physical powers, however, she has the power to help others.

  19. Pele, my Hero

    Do you know any modern day hero? I do and his name is Pele. Pele is a very nice person. He built soccer schools for children. What kind of famous person does that? His charitable deeds demonstrate that he is a giving person. It’s very rare for a star to waste his money on people he doesn’t know.

    Pele is very different from ancient Greek heroes. He is different because ancient Greek heroes have a tragic flow and we don’t know what is going to happen. Ancient Greek heroes get punished by the gods. They are alike because they are mortal and they fight for something. Pele strived for the world cup, and now he is considered one of the best players of the world. They are alike and different in many ways. Pele is my hero.

  20. My Hero Messi

    Lionel Messi is the best player in the world to me because the way he became famous is rare. He started at the age of five years old on his local team in Argentina. The characteristics that describe Messi are skillful, athletic, confident, and loyal. He is skillful because he started playing soccer at five years old. Since he is confident, he is a good soccer player. He is loyal to his team mates and works hard for his team.

    In the youth team, he was recognized and he did a mistake using steroids which damaged his career with the media. He is like an Ancient Greek hero because they both have flaws. Messi’s flaw is that he used steroids, which is dangerous. However, Messi stopped using steroids. Now, he is very well known for his soccer skills. They even compare him to Diego Maradona, one of the world’s best soccer players. To sum up, Messi is my hero because he is the best soccer player. He won the world cup, and is a good team member.

  21. Martin Luther King Jr., a True Hero

    My hero is Martin Luther King Jr. He is my hero because he has good qualities and he is a good role model for me to follow. Some influential character traits that he possesses are courage, wisdom, and he also fights for what he thinks is right. Martin Luther King Jr. is a very skillful person because he has very strong words. He is courageous because he stands up for what he believes. He is also my hero because he has wisdom. A true hero should have wisdom so nobody could out smart him. I think he is my true hero because he is a person who cares for him and others. He fought for uniting all people, and end segregation.

    My hero is similar to an ancient hero because he has good character traits. What is very different from an ancient hero is that he doesn’t fight with monsters and strange creatures. Martin Luther King Jr. doesn’t fight like that, but he fights with words trying to persuade them into his proposal. Now a hero is named as by their character and his proposals for the people. In ancient times, they are named as by their strength and defending the people. There are lots of similarities and lots of differences between heroes now and then.

  22. My Mother, My Hero

    My hero is my mom because she taught me how to write, and how to read. When I was in first grade, she helped me with my homework. She cares about me and is a helpful mom.Sometimes, she yells at me because I always get in trouble. She always tells me to study in school and get good grades so I could have a good job and a good life. When I get my test back from the teacher, she sees my test and when she sees that it is good, and she says that she is proud of me. When I am sick and can’t go to school, she makes me soup and she makes me feel better.

    One of the characteristics that describe my mom is cheerful. She is also caring because she cares about me, and is proud at me by getting good grades and tells me to study more in school. Sometimes she gets mad at me because I get in trouble in school or in the house. She gets mad when my sister and I fight because my little sister bothers me a lot. When I am in the park or in my friend’s house she gets worried about me and when I am home she does not worry anymore. When she has to go to work, I always want to go with her because in the house I get bored and she says to me if you go to work with me, I will be happy. She needs help sometimes and when I help her and she gets content.

  23. My Heroes

    My heroes are Good Charlotte! They are heroes because they have the greatest songs I have ever heard. Their songs always cheer me up when I’m feeling lonely. Their names are Benji, Billy, Paul, Joel, and Chris. All of them work as a team, as if they were brothers. They are my heroes because they help out people with their music when they need them.

    The songs that I like are “I don’t want to be in love”, “Predictable”, and more. You should listen to them, they are great. I know because I am a huge fan of them. They are so cool that I will never stop listening to their music. So why won’t you join me, I mean, why won’t you want Good Charlotte to be your hero?

  24. My Heroes

    My heroes are Good Charlotte! They are heroes because they have the greatest songs I have ever heard. Their songs always cheer me up when I’m feeling lonely. Their names are Benji, Billy, Paul, Joel, and Chris. All of them work as a team, as if they were brothers. They are my heroes because they help out people with their music when they need them.

    The songs that I like are “I don’t want to be in love”, “Predictable”, and more. You should listen to them, they are great. I know because I am a huge fan of them. They are so cool that I will never stop listening to their music. So why won’t you join me, I mean, why won’t you want Good Charlotte to be your hero?

  25. Shakira, a Courageous Hero

    There are lots of heroes in the world. Who is yours? My hero is Shakira. I have chosen Shakira because she is caring and she helps a lot of people. She is always trying her best to reach her goal, which is to always help people. She moved to Bogotá at the age of thirteen. Shakira turned to acting and played a role in a Colombian telenovela. Then she returned to the music business in 1995.

    Her latest music album was a huge hit which gained wide critical acclaim and which many consider to be her best album ever. She is very caring because she takes time for sick people and visits them. She has courage to show her beliefs. Shakira is helpful because she helps people that are sick.

  26. My Loyal Hero

    I have many loving heroes that I really care about. However, the one that I admire the most is Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite, who is also known as Kaka. He has been playing for these wonderful teams for many years, Brazil and A.C Milan. I look up to him like no other. If it weren’t for him I would never be this confident on chasing after my dream to be a soccer player. He is this special to me because he is confident, passionate, and hard-working. He is passionate for his career and never gave up on his goal. He worked extremely hard to get this far in his career. I will always try to be as great as he is.

    Kaka is similar yet different from ancient Greek heroes. To begin with, most Greek heroes are known as “super heroes”. They mostly save lives and rescue people. On the other hand, Ricardo is my hero for being a talented athlete. He is similar to Greek heroes because many people look up to them, just like I look up to Kaka. Ricardo is my one and only major hero and that will never change.

  27. The Hero That I Admire The Most

    Many children have heroes they admire the most. Mine is very special because he is like no other. If you haven’t guessed it, it’s my brother Mike. He has many qualities that not a lot of heroes have. Some of those qualities are that he is very compassionate, confident, and very wise. Mike never gives up on his dreams or on his work he does for others. He always helps people out when they’re in need, or at their troubled times. Most of all, he is very compassionate about his work, and projects assigned to him. That’s what students, teacher, and I like about him. Nothing is better than having a hero like him.

    Mike has many similarities and flaws like ancient Greek heroes. One of those differences is that he is very sensitive, struggles too much to make everything perfect, and takes everything seriously. Unlike other heroes, they usually rescue people and save lives. They’re similar by willing to help out, and caring about them. There is no hero like my brother. That’s why I look up to him. Above all, Mike is basically my hero all the time and will always be there for me!

  28. The Golden Boy

    First of all, one special thing that my hero did was winning the gold medal in the year 1990. My hero Oscar De La Hoya was not born with a wealthy family, his family was poor. Oscar De La Hoya started fighting when he was just six years old. And then when he was ten, he argued with a kid that all the time bothered him. After that fight, his dad trained him and when Oscar was 14, his dad placed him in a fighting challenge and then he won. The golden boy also fought so that his family did not have to return to Mexico. Something else that I admire about him was when he had to face the death of his dad; he continued to be a strong person. One of his nick names is the golden boy. People call him that because he won the award for the golden gloves of the year.

    One of his best record was of winning 223, 5 losses, and 153 knockouts. Furthermore, I choose the golden boy as my hero because for me he is the best boxer ever. The two best fights of his life were when he had to box against Floyd May Whether, and Manny Pacuiao. Something that he earned just in a year that took other boxers at least three years was the super weight champion.

    De La Hoya and ancient Greek heroes have many similarities and differences. To start, the boxers in Ancient Greece and Oscar De La Hoya are strong fighters. De La Hoya does not give up. In ancient Greek times, the boxers din't give up either, they would fiht until one of them died. Today's boxing matches are not as brutal. The winner is determined by unanimous decision or a knockout, as opposed to death. As you can see, there are several similarities and several differences in boxing.

  29. Ryan Sheckler, a True Hero

    My hero is Ryan Sheckler. He is a very great skateboarder. The character traits that describe my hero are that he is a great person with a big heart. He donated money to the Children’s Cancer Foundation .He wants to find a cure since Cancer affected his family. He said that whoever donated money to the Children’s Cancer charity might have a chance to win his 2003 range power that is a really expensive car.

    The difference from an ancient Greek hero and my hero is that an ancient Greek hero was considered someone who battled in war and killed his opponent. A hero to me is someone who I look up to. I look up to Ryan Sheckler because he is a great person and he also has a very great talent. He doesn’t have to die in a war or win a war either.

  30. Tatiana Castillo, a Hero Indeed

    My hero is Tatiana Castillo, my cousin. She is very great at painting nails and lots more. The character trait that describes my hero are that she's very smart in many ways, she is caring with a big heart. She did lots of communtiy service when she was in high school. She also donated money to St.Judes Hosiptal. She says "you should always have a big heart full of love to donate money to St.Judes Hosiptal".

    The difference between an Ancient Greek Hero and my hero is that she is like the goddess of love. She made all her friends fall in love and now they all have a wonderful life. I always call her Aphrodite. Whenever her friends need help in love they always call my hero Tatiana. She is so alike the goddess Aphrodite. She doesn't have to go to war and have super strength like Zeus. This is the diffence between an Ancient greek hero and My Hero Tatiana Castillo.

  31. Your My Hero

    I have many people that are my heroes. But my first hero has to be Kayla. She is someone that is always there for me. She is my hero because when I need to talk to someone I just talk to her about anything and she understands me. Many people say that she is someone mean, but people dont know who she really is. She is really nice if you get to know her as much as I do.

    One hero in ancient Greece was Hercules. He saved many people's lives. He did so many favors for so many people that he loved. That why people loved him as a hero. Kayla is like Hercules because she also does favors for people she loves like me. Kayla is also strong and powerful like Hercules because she stands up for people she loves. That's why she is my big hero.

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  33. You Are My Hero

    I have many people that are my heroes. But my first hero has to be Kayla. She is someone that is always there for me. She is my hero because when I need to talk to someone I just talk to her about anything and she understands me. Many people say that she is someone mean, but people dont know who she really is. She is really nice if you get to know her as much as I do.

    One hero in ancient Greece was Hercules. He saved many people's lives. He did so many favors for so many people that he loved. That why people loved him as a hero. Kayla is like Hercules because she also does favors for people she loves like me. Kayla is also strong and powerful like Hercules because she stands up for people she loves. That's why she is my big hero.

  34. My Mon, a Confident and Lovable Hero

    My hero is my mom because she is a terrific person and is always there for me. The traits that my mom has are helpful, confidence, and lovable. She is helpful because if I have homework and I don’t understand she will sit with me and explain it to me. My mom is confident because she does not let anyone make her sad or put her down. She is also confident with what she does. My mom is lovable because she hugs and kisses me. She also cares when I am sick.

    Ancient Greek heroes are different from my mom because the Greek heroes have super powers and my mom does not. They are alike because they are helpful to others. Also, ancient Greek heroes have a tragic flaw. They are both trustworthy and caring.

  35. The Only One

    My hero is Doctor Joao because he was the one who cured me from a horrible bone disease I had on my right leg. He was the one that was there to cheer me up when I was in the hospital bed. Doctor Joao and his helpers really made my future excellent. He had a great heart to do what he did.

    Doctor Joao is like a Greek hero because he didn’t give up no matter what, he had lots of confidence in himself. He was really a admirable person who cared about others, and loved to see smiles on every ones face.

  36. My One and Only Hero

    My hero is Rebeca. She is my best friend and practically my sister. She is my hero because she cares about me and she is always there for me. Rebeca always has my back. She is the one and only hero of all time for me.

    Rebeca is similar to an ancient Greek hero because she's strong and helpful. She is strong because she won't back down to anyone, no matter who they are. She will fight for what she believes in, just like ancient Greek heroes.

  37. Randy "The Ram" Robinson

    Back in the late '80s, Randy "The Ram" Robinson was a headlining professional wrestler. Now, twenty years later, he ekes out a living performing for handfuls of diehard wrestling fans in high school gyms and community centers around New Jersey.

    Estranged from his daughter and unable to sustain any real relationships, Randy lives for the thrill of the show and the adoration of his fans. However, a heart attack forced him into retirement. As his sense of identity started to slip away, he began to evaluate the state of his life -- trying to reconnect with his daughter, and striking up a blossoming romance with an exotic dancer, Cassidy, who was ready to start a new life. Yet all this cannot compare to the allure of the ring and passion for his art, which threatens to pull Randy "The Ram" back into his world of wrestling. Currently, Randy is set to take on "The Ayatollah" (his biggest rival throughout his career), in a 20th anniversary rematch...

  38. Current Day Hero

    There are many heroes in the world, whether they are celebrities or your family. To me, heroes are figures that teach people life lessons. My hero is David Beckham. He has done so much for the community and for charities. I would describe him as generous and kind.

    I compare David Beckham to a Greek soldier. Since he plays sports he would be perfect. The athleticism and effort he puts in is a quality that he shares with Greek soldiers. This is one of the reasons I admire him. To me he is one of the greatest heroes ever!

  39. My Hero Compared to Greek Heroes

    I chose my hero as my mom. She is a great inspiration to me and my sisters. My mom has many qualities that I would love to have, such as striveing for what I want. My hero's traits are confident also brave. My mom is confident because she believes in herself through thick and thin. She is also brave because she is bound to do anything.

    My mom is like a Greek hero because many Greek heros never give up. For example, Hercules; he's brave and strong, just like my mom. She strives for her deeds. Also, wisdom is inside every Greek hero. My mom's wise in helping me with projects and many more things. How does your hero compare to Greek heroes?

  40. My Sister, the Greatest Hero

    My hero is my sister Gaby. Why I chose my sister Gaby is because she is funny. She makes me laugh all the time. Also, my sister helps me with my homework. Another reason why she is my hero is because she can change my mood just by talking to me. Al so, she is nice so when some one is mean or starts to get mad she starts bragging about how nice or good she treats others with kindness. That is why she is my hero.

    How my hero is different from the ancient Greek heroes is because she doesn’t have super strength, but she is super smart. Did I tell you she attends one of the best colleges? She is a student at Rutgers University in New Brunswick. She is like a Greek hero because she shows off a lot about herself. She is intelligent and wise just like most Greek heroes.

  41. My Special Hero

    My hero is my dad. I have a lot of reasons why I picked him as my hero. He is my hero because he always takes care of me. He also buys me the best gifts on Christmas and when it’s my birthday. He always makes me feel better and always tells me stories of when he was in the army. His traits are giving, caring, and thankful. He is caring because he would always protect the family. He is a giver because he is the only person that buys the Christmas or birthday presents.

    My dad is like an ancient Greek hero because he has a tragic flaw. His tragic flaw is that he is very giving. He is also like a Greek hero because he always protects someone. That is me!

  42. Lionel Messi

    Messi is my hero. I have several reasons why Messi is my hero. He has a lot of traits that Greek heroes had. He encompasses speed, agility, courage, and determination.

    The difference between Greek heroes and Messi is that Greek heroes fought with monsters so people can admire them. Messi is a hero because he is a well-known soccer player. He is similar to Greek gods because he has speed, agility, and strength.

  43. My Hero is My Mom

    My hero is my mother. I chose her because she is always there for me. Every time I’m sad or ticked off she is always there to put a smile on my face by tickling me until I break out laughing. Some words to describe my mom are intelligent, loving, and caring.

    My mom compared to a Greek hero would be Hercules. The differences between the two are that she is my mother and I would say she is more loving than Hercules. I would also like to say the my mom is a lot more loving then Hercules because I really never met him and I’m always with her everyday and I could say how much she really loves me. The similarities are that they are both heroes.

  44. My Mom, Corageous and Intelligent

    My hero is my mom. She is my hero because she’s always been there for me and shows me how much she can help me. She has many great traits. She has strength, creativity, courage, intelligence, and caring.

    My mom and Ancient Greek heroes have a lot of things in common and others that are not alike. The way my mom is alike Ancient Greek heroes is by having intelligence, courage, and strength. My mom has courage to do anything. Also, she has strength for holding many heavy things. Hercules has strength for anything, including the strength to slay 3 headed monsters. I love my mom!

  45. Bello Nock My Hero!!!

    There is a person who is deep inside my heart that I consider my hero; he is Bello Nock. He is my hero because he has endangered his life on doing dangerous tricks. Also, he is a daredevil half clown. He is strong to do many amazing tricks, an 8 inch strawberry-blond hair standing up. Bello has a lot of smarts so he knows what will happen if he does something wrong.

    Bello Nock compares to an ancient hero because he has the qualities of one. The Greek heroes needed to be brave, patient, confident, intelligent, wise, and strengt . Belo’s qualities are strength ( to be able to do many eye witness tricks), confidence (so he knows what will happen if he did something wrong) and the same for intelligence.

  46. When I think about heroes, Oscar Schindler comes to mind. He was a man of courage, compassion, and perseverance who solved many lives from extermination during the dark days of the holocaust. Although he was a man of wealth and “connections” he risked it all to rescue those marked for death because he came to realize that all life is precious and that no one has the right to destroy another’s humanity. Oscar Schindler did so much for so many and asked for nothing in return. His selfless concern and good will for his fellow man inspires me to be a better person and that is why he is my hero. Although Oscar Schindler did not hold any official position of power, I would link him to Zeus because his actions were that powerful.


Ancient Greek Javelin

2008 Olympics