Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece has been called the "birthplace of Western Civilization". European culture was greatly influenced by the Greeks. The areas of art, literature, history, philosophy, politics, and science all had their roots in ancient Greece. This was an interdisciplinary unit that afforded our students the opportunity to examine a civilization upon which much of our western civilization is built. How has ancient Greece influenced our western culture? What aspects of Greek culture continue to influence our lives today?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Essential Question

How has ancient Greece influenced our western culture?


  1. In our past generation, Ancient Greece has influenced our western culture in many ways. For instance, the language that we speak comes from many Greek root words. One of the greek root words that we use to make an english word is micro. Micro in greek means "small" therefore a microscope that we use today is used to see small objects.

    To continue, many of the arts and architechure comes from Ancient Greece. The Mosaic is one of the arts and architechure that Greeks used and a piece that we still use today for windows, tables, floors and more. Greek art was very unique in those times. For example, some vases demonstrate heroism due to the fact that a hero has conquered and gained victory. Moreover, back in Ancient Greece large amounts of poetry were published, like the Iliad. Toady, we still publish poetry that was influenced by the Greeks. I believe that Ancient Greece was and still is benefitting our western culture today.

  2. Ancient Greece influenced our western culture many various ways. Fashion in Ancient Greece was really different from our fashion from today because men and women had to wear dresses. In addition, words from Ancient Greece are still used today. For example, "tele" is an Greek word for telescope. Also,now we don't belive in Greek gods but we do have heroes. In Ancient Greece , olive oil was really importent and special.

    A long time ago, people thought when the gods were mad disasters start to happen. Unfortuanaly, now we have scientists that discover how the whether forms and we dont believe that the gods form huricanes, twisters, or vocano eruptions. Olympics all started from Ancient Greece and it still played today. Also poems come from Ancient Greece. Such as the lyric poem, Iliad and odyssey. These are some influential things I have learned.

  3. Ancient Greece influenced our western culture in many ways. For example, some of the English words come from Greek root words that we still use today but with different meanings. For example, in Greece Tele means "far away." today we use a telescope to see things far away.
    Other ways that ancient Greece has influenced us is the Olympics. The Olympics all started from ancient Greece and today we still play them. Another example is the poems. Such as the Iliad and the Odyssey. These poems are from ancient Greece and are still famous today and still heard today. Also the Greeks influenced the alphabet which we used today to form such words from Greece. These are some of the influential things that come from Greece.

  4. Ancient Greece influenced our western culture in many ways, such as the god myths, the ancient greek Olympic games. We also have created Ancient Greece booklets .In these booklets, we worked in groups and help each other in many different ways. We also learned about Greek mythology where we learned about bodies of stories concerning the gods, heroes and rituals of the ancient Greeks. The myths contain a considerable element of fictions. My favorite myth was Athena because she was the god of war, wisdom and useful arts. Athena was one of the most powerful goddesses and she protected city, states and heroes and Athena was married to Métis. We also learned about Greek gods such as Zeus, Apollo, Athena, Hercules, Hades, Ares, Hera, and much more gods of Olympus. We learned what they did and who they represented. For example, Zeus represented the god of the gods. We also learned about the heroes who they saved. These were some western cultures that I have learned due to Ancient Greece infuelenced.

  5. Ancient Greece has influenced our western culture in many ways. First, we have been influenced by their language. Some of the words that we use, including root words, come from Ancient Greece. Our alphabet originated from ancient Greece, from the alpha and beta.

    Another way we have been influenced by ancient Greece is by hunting. Ancient Greeks made their own spears using wood and rocks. Today, people still hunt; however they buy their own tools, which are mostly guns.

    To continue, Ancient Greece is the birth of democracy. We also developed many ideas from the Ancient Greeks we have been inspired by many Philosophers. In addition, we have read myths and fables that have taught us lessons in life.

  6. How Ancient Greece Influenced Our Society

    Ancient Greece has influenced our society with math, science, literature, art and language. For example, they invented the Javelin throw and we still use it today. In art, they invented mosaics with broken glass to put in their house and we still use it today. For math they invented the names of shapes, the alphabet and numbers.

    There were poets like Homer that wrote poems and fables. We still read fables and different kinds of poems and write them. In language, a lot of our words come from the Greek culture

  7. Ancient Greece has influenced our society in many ways. One way is that in math, we measured how long the javelin could be thrown. In literacy, we made a tragic hero chart and compared one of the characters in a book we’re reading. In writing, we wrote about our favorite hero and compared them to an ancient Greek hero.
    In Science, we created an interview with a Greek god and had to ask him questions. In science, we also had to make javelins, test them out, and see if it goes straight forward. Presently, in northern Africa they use spears as weapons. In ancient Greece, people used javelins as a weapon to defend themselves and to hunt.

  8. Ancient Greece influenced our western culture in many ways. It has influenced our culture because they believed in gods. Most of us also believe in God or many gods. The difference is we don’t have a god for every good and bad thing that happens.

    In addition, some of our words come from ancient Greece. Those words that come from ancient Greece have a different meaning. Did you know that the javelins were made in ancient Greece? As time passes, more people adjusted it. Many of the myths from ancient Greece are still told today, like the myth the Rabbit and the Turtle. Also, they made the lyrics from many songs. Homer, a famous poet was blind and some of his myths are still read today. That is how ancient Greece influenced our western culture.

  9. Ancient Greece has influence our society in many ways. It has given us our English alphabet. For example, the two first letters from the Greek alphabet Alpha and Beta are used in our alphabet. The art also influenced us because we still use it and learn about it today, such as paintings, mosaics, and Greek architecture. For example, the mosaic we use on the bathroom floors and walls.

    The fables from Aesop influence us today because it teaches lessons in life. Kids still read fables and myths. Sometimes adults read them too.

  10. How ancient Greece influenced our society is it gave us the idea of the Olympics. The Olympics are a series of events we hold every four years. In ancient Greece there were many events, such as boxing, wrestling, swimming, chariot racing, etc.

    In modern day Olympics, chariot racing is not one of the events. It is too dangerous and some people can get hurt. Also, in Ancient Greece, they threw javelin to see which one went the farthest. During our math class, we held the javelin four inches backwards away from the middle. In ancient Greece, if you win, you get an olive leaf crow. Now you earn medals: gold, silver, and bronze.

  11. Ancient Greece influenced our western culture through literacy, language, and sports. The Olympic Games started in Greece, and is still taking place every four years. In fact, , The Olympic Games were played this summer. In Ancient Greek, the participants who won earned an olive wreath and were recognized as a hero. The sports played were wrestling, boxing, chariot races, swimming, marathon races, etc. Today, the competitors play most of the same sports, but not all. The winner of modern day Olympic Games receives a gold medal for first place, silver for second place, and bronze for third place. Today, some winners of the Olympic summer games are considered heroes, such as Michael Phelps.

  12. Ancient Greece has been an influence since a long time, such as the Olympic Games in Olympia 320 ad. In case you didn’t notice Olympic Games came from ancient Greece. Some thing else that was influenced from ancient Greece was democracy. We also still read myths. We have thinkers and teachers who all come from ancient Greece. Meaningful and important poems also come from Ancient Greece, such as the Iliad, and the Oddysy. Beautiful art, such as paintings, sculpture, vases, and mosaics also come from Greece.

  13. Ancient Greece has influencied our western culture through words, the olympic games, epic poems, food products and clothes. They also had many great thinkers and actors. Stories of their gods are myths that we still study. Therefore, the ancient greek influence is important for us today.

    Ancient Greece gave us great architecture and the arts. They introduced us to many kinds of sports like javelin throwing. In literature they gave us epic poems. So, today we see ancient Greece as a major influence in our lives.

  14. Our western culture has been influenced by ancient Greece in many ways. We have been influenced through their language. Some words come from ancient Greece, and we still use them today. Some of the words we use today are Achilles, Hercules, Midas touch, and tantalizing.

    In Ancient Greece, Achilles was a warrior who was struck with an arrow in his heel, which is why we apply the term Achilles heel. Hercules was the strongest man on Earth who did incredible tasks. King Midas was granted a wish from the Greek god Dionysus and everything he touched turned gold, which is where the phrase “Midas touch” originates from. Tantalis was punished because he offended the gods. Now we say the word “tantalizing”, which means you want something but you can’t have it.

  15. Ancient Greece infuenced our western culture by giving us words we use today, giving us food products like olive oil, olives, barly, and clothes. In addition, many inspirational thinkers and many aspiring poets were from Ancient Greece,including Homer,Aesop,and Sappho. Also Greeks were amazingly good at sports. In fact, the Olympics originated in Greece.

    Ancient Greeks also have influenced our western culture by giving us many beautiful art and architecture, including mosaics, paintings, vases, and the column used in buildings. In literacy, we read poems like the Illiad and the lyrics poems. Many words came from ancient Greece like meter,alfa,and micro.
    As I have mentioned, ancient Greece has influences our western culture in many ways.

  16. Ancient Greece has influenced our society in science, math, literacy, and language. In science, we learned about the javelin and how to make it. In math, everyone had a wonderful chance to throw the javelin and create bar graphs and line graphs of each team who won. We were called the Thesslian Javelin Throwers. In literacy we had a discussion about heroes. Also, we wrote an interview about our favorite hero. In Furthermore, we asked the Greek heroes questions. In, language, we learned that A and B is from Greece named Alpha and Beta. That’s how ancient Greece influenced our society!

  17. Ancient Greece influenced our society in science, math, literacy, art and language. It influenced science when we made a javelin and measure our throws. It influenced math because we measure our javelin’s throw of Ancient Greece. Literacy was influenced too because we read many of fables that we didn’t know were from Ancient Greece. We created masks too. In addition, we have been influenced by Greek art. On one side was a sad face in the other a joyful face.

    It especially influenced language because we learned the Ancient Greek alphabet. We wrote words using the Ancient Greek alphabet. We also used Ancient Greece in Social Studies and learned how people voted .They voted by raising their hands or putting their vote on a piece of paper inside a vase.

  18. Ancient Greece influenced our society by helping us understand that back then life wasn’t easy. For example, to get your own food you would have to grow it. To get education, you had to be rich. Also, Greece showed me how the mythology and democracy changed our life. If it wasn’t for Greece, the USA wouldn’t have democracy.

    I also learned that Greece was the birth place of the Olympics. If it wasn’t for them, the world wouldn’t be competitive. I also was inspired by Greek mythology, and how they believe in many gods and how they could find ways to explain the things to happen. To me, this is what ancient Greece has taught me.

  19. Ancient Greece influenced the western culture today through Art, Math, Science and their beliefs. These influences are seen in their architecture, sculptures and other artifacts that are still valued today. Their belief in the gods like Zeus, Athena, Hera, etc… is connected to our natural sciences. The Ancient Greeks have definitely been important to the western culture today.

    Other great influences that came from Ancient Greece, was the numeric system and then our alphabet. Also, many professions originated in ancient Greece. Professions such as blacksmiths and miners were very important in Greece because of all the natural minerals like copper, gold, iron and coal that were abundant there. The Greeks made use of all their resources as we do today. We can then thank the Ancient Greeks for their influence in our modern day culture.

  20. Ancient Greece has influenced western culture in many ways. To begin, literature has been carried through the centuries. The Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer are still read today. Lyric poetry that was used in ancient Greece is still used today to describe feelings. Also, the Greeks have made contributions to our art. Painters and sculptors look back to the ancient Greeks when they study. The Doric, Ionic and Corinthian column types are still used all over the world today.

    To continue, philosophy has been influenced. Over the years, great seekers of knowledge have given us much. Thales found a different way to explain earthquakes, without blaming Poseidon. Although he was wrong, he was a step closer to a valid explanation. In addition, 12% of the English language is derived from Greek. Pythagoras and Euclid both made great discoveries in geometry. Euclid even wrote a geometry book that was used as a textbook until AD 1900! Finally, Aristarchus was an astronomer who theorized that the earth around the sun. For all this and more, ancient Greece is considered the starting point of western civilization.

  21. In Ancient Greece, many things have influenced our society. For example, the word alphabet comes from Alpha and Beta, which are the two first letters in the Greek alphabet. Many words come from Greek words, such as astro and tele. Greek culture affects us in our daily life.

    Another way Greeks influence us is mythology. If there were no myths, we wouldn’t have stories. In addition there are three special people that influence us, Homer who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey, which also talks about the Trojan War. Sappho was a woman who made lyric poems. Finally, Aesop wrote many fables, such as “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”, and “Tortoise and the Hare” what I learned is that in fables and myths there is always a a moral or a lesson we learn.


Ancient Greek Javelin

2008 Olympics